Competition for the “Consulta sobre organització, localització, solució d’accessos i comprensió arquitectònica dels espais no litúrgics de la Basílica de la Sagrada Familia”
Junta del Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família.
First Prize
Competition for housing development in Trinitat Vella, Barcelona
Tac arquitectes has been awarded the competition promoted by Patronat Municipal de l'Habitatge, for the development and project management of the Tinitat Vella A 18.03 (Unit 3) in Barcelona.
7th Exhibition of Architecture of the Central Regions of the Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya
It was one of the ten awarded works from the 63 submitted.
Project: Technology Center of Manresa
FAD 2014 Arquitecture Award. Shortlisted
Project: "Can Colomer" Social rental housing
6th Exhibition of Architecture of the Central Regions of the Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya
It was one of the five awarded works from the 83 submitted.
Project of 36 rental housing of the "El Castell" Torelló sector.
Catalunya Construction Award. Finalist in Construction Innovation
Project: Modular housing in Torelló
Sant Cugat Architecture Award. First Prize
Project: Housing in Mirasol Center
Bienal de Arquitectura del Valles Award. First prize outdoor spaces: urban, landscape and civil works
Project: Turó de Can Mates Parc
FAD Awards 2010 – City and Landscape. Shortlisted
Project: Turó de Can Mates Parc
Social Housing AVS Catalunya Award. Jury Mention
Project: Housing in Mirasol Center
Sant Cugat Architecture Award. First Prize multi-family housing
Project: Residential complex Can Mates
Housing Architecture of Catalunya Award J.A. Coderch. Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi. First prize
Project: Uriach: Housing, offices and public space
Catalunya Construction Award. First prize in the direction or management of work execution
Project: Uriach: Housing, offices and public space
Catalunya Construction Award. Finalist in Construction Innovation
Project: CEIP Garigot
FAD 2007 Architecture Award. Finalist
Project: Uriach: Housing, offices and public space
Architecture of the Girona’s Regions Award. Finalist
Project: Residential complex Els Químics
Housing Architecture of Catalunya Award J.A. Coderch. Reial Acadèmia Catalana de Belles Arts de Sant Jordi. Finalist
Project: Residential complex Els Químics
FAD 2004 Architecture Award. Shortlisted
Project: Llacuna tower
FAD 2000 Architecture Award. Finalist
Project: Diagonal 682 tower
Veteco / Asafave Award. First special mention
Project: Diagonal 682 tower
Competition for housing development in Trinitat Vella, Barcelona. First Prize
Patronat Municipal de l'Habitatge
New Palau Blaugrana Competition. First Prize
FC Barcelona
Competition for the new Secondary School Viladomat 3/2 in Barcelona. First Prize, Generallitat de Catalunya
Competition for a social housing building promotion at 142 Viladomat street, Barcelona. First Prize
Patronat Municipal de l'Habitatge
Housing Competition in Sector Indo, L’Hospitalet del LLobregat. First Prize.
Altamira Santander Real Estate.
Competition for the new headquarters of the CTM Foundation Center, Manresa. First Prize
Ministerio de Educación del Gobierno de España y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional -FEDER-
Agnes school Competition, Sitges. First Prize
Departament d’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya y Gestió d’Infraestructures S.A. –GISA-
Mira-sol library Competition, Sant Cugat del Vallès. First Prize
Promocions Municipals de Sant Cugat del Vallès -PROMUSA-.
Social Housing Competition in Pla del Vinyet, Sant Cugat del Vallès. First Prize
Ayuntamiento de Sant Cugat del Vallès.
Rental Housing Competition in Roger de Flor street, Barcelona. First Prize
Habitatge Assequible Fundació La Caixa.
Housing competition in Enthone’s plot, Sant Just Desvern. First Prize
Altamira Santander Real Estate
Espai Motor Building Competition in the Catalunya Central Technology Park, Manresa. First Prize
Ayuntamiento de Manresa.
Railway Museum of Vilanova i la Geltrú Competition. First Prize.
Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles y Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias -ADIF-.
La Torreta school Competition, La Roca del Vallès. First Prize.
Departament d’Educacuió de la Generalitat de Catalunya y Gestió d’Infraestructures S.A. –GISA-
Rental Housing Competition in Can Colomer, Terrassa. First Prize.
Habitatge Assequible Fundació La Caixa.
Sagrera Intermodal Station Competition, Barcelona. First Prize.
Barcelona Sagrera Alta Velocitat –BSAV-.
Residential Strategic Area Mas Bosser Competition, Olot. Shortlisted.
Institut Català del Sòl -INCASÒL-.
Competition for the new headquarters for the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona. First Prize.
Cambra de Comerç, Induxtria i Navegació de Barcelona
Cultural building Competition in Gornal, L’Hospitaltet de Llobregat. First Prize.
Institut Català del Sòl -INCASÒL-.
Les Parellades school Competition, Sant Pere de Ribes. First Prize.
Departament d’Educacuió de la Generalitat de Catalunya y Gestió d’Infraestructures S.A. –GISA-
Rental Housing in Torelló Competition.
New systems and building technologies.First Prize
Institut Català del Sòl -INCASÒL-.
Catalunya Central Technology Park Competition, Manresa. First Prize.
Projectes Territorials del Bages -PTB-.
Lladoner school Competition, Granollers.
Departament d’Educacuió de la Generalitat de Catalunya y Gestió d’Infraestructures S.A. –GISA-
Juan Perucho school Competition, Albinyana.
Departament d’Educacuió de la Generalitat de Catalunya y Gestió d’Infraestructures S.A. –GISA-
Manresa’s Southern Facade Urban Plan Competition. First Prize ex aequo.
Ayuntamiento de Manresa.
Llacuna Tower Competition. Activity @ building. First Prize.
Barcelona activa.